ReHabit TV – Show Up Episode 8 – The WorkLife Cleanse

Welcome to episode eight of the rehab showing up show. This show is all about showing up and it really is meant to be a foundational piece for developing a habit and being able to celebrate a win. For carving out and expanding your practice window. And for me, I’ve been intending to do this every day and I haven’t been, but I have been practicing every day, different things, meditation or exercise, or feta programming with hypnosis when I’m waking or going to.
All of these different things, all these different tools, all these different technologies we’re developing in rehab it. And today is a particular practice that I have yet to really adopt. And I’m really excited to get it out to you today. And it is based around. The idea of a work-life cleanse, cleansing your work life, developing better work-life balance.
What does your working routine look like? So if you’re interested in cleansing your work-life balance, then stick around and see what we’ve developed for you. On the other side of this.
All right, welcome back. So we have it for me is all about life change. It’s a life changing system. I’m developing, I’m studying and learning and applying and trying and failing to change my life. Every day. Life is changing while I’m living it. And I must. But it’s also clear that because of the way life has changed in the way that life changes, that my life needs to change.
I can’t live my life the way I used to. And so I’ve developed some methodologies on the shoulders of giants of many brilliant people, authors experts, whom I’ve studied for this process. And one of the things that I’ve taken away from stoic philosophy is that there are these worlds of influence that we have control over it.
Ourselves. There really is only that one world that we have total control over, even though it seems like sometimes we have no control over it, or at least it does for me, but from ourselves, we would hope that we can influence our community. Excuse me, before that our family, the next circle of influence, the next order of influence is our family.
Um, might be your wife or your daughter or your son or. Brother anyone in your family, as far as they get out, the further you have influence I’m sure. But from your family, there is another order of magnitude, not as your community and your community could include work. And really these are kind of fluid ideas and some people draw more of these orders of magnitude to accommodate these different sort of structures in our society, in our lives.
But for me, I’ve broken it down to four, the self family and friends, um, the community, which I can count, work as part of and then society or the world at large. Now work-life balance to me is critical because you spend a third of your time and in fact, half of your waking hours working, or at least most of us do.
And that’s the part I want to talk to you about. It doesn’t seem right. We’re spending way too much working and on the Dawn of automation and AI and all these knowledge based, um, businesses and information, booms and technologies and digital democracy, you know, swimmingly. Something should be shifting this 99, 1% balance.
Isn’t working this, um, 50 week, two week off vacation. Isn’t working these 40 hour work weeks isn’t working. And so when I’ve been setting forth to, to realize how my life should change and how my work life balance is such a huge part of it and how my day breaks down into eight hours of sleeping and eight hours of working in eight hours for everything else.
Um, mainly that’s my family and myself and my community in there. I wanted to carve back and claw back some of that eight hours. So I developed some concepts around this, uh, this idea of a sabbatical. We get a year off here or there, or two years off every decade or whatever. Industry. I think it’s teachers that are allowed to, or even consider having a sabbatical while why not.
And where does the term Sabbath come from? From the Bible from scriptures? Religion that we rest on certain days. Um, but that became Sunday and in models open Sunday, and that kind of got lost and we’re not working unless we’re working more, we’re working two jobs or can 50, 60 hours. And so it just, oh my God, we need more vacations.
We more need more time off. We need time to refresh and the rate of hours. Um, re our work to refresh ratio. The refresh rate is outrageous. Um, it’s minuscule amount of rest and recovery and relaxation in order to come back to our work, even in the midst of a work day and feel refreshed. So I got thinking about these periods of time and how much of those periods of time should be dedicated to them.
So in a work day, um, maybe we don’t work eight hours. Well, how many hours could we work? How about in the work week? 40 hour work week or a four or five day work? How about a four-day workweek? You know, Tim Ferris got famous writing before our Workday or four hour work week. Yeah. Well, that’s not practical unless you’re passive revenue, perfect storm.
Like I happen to achieve one point in my life in the freedom, 35 retirement years. That’s another video, right. But four hour work day could work. How about a four day work week? How about a three-quarter work? Taking a quarter off. How about a year off? Every five years. And when it came to figure out was that there was about a 25 to 33 refresh rate percent refresh rate, where I think ideally we could come to work and be fulfilled and empower and energized and focused and even a bit stressed, a good stress to get in the work that we need to get done in that time.
So, yeah. Filling time when we’re just in the doldrums of, uh, overwork and stress and bad stress and therefore less productive. So this one hour work sprint this video that you’re about to see, as I’m talking here is a video I produced that has a one hour timeline in it, and it is broken down into two work sprints.
They’re 20 minutes each. And these are based off of an idea called a Pomodoro upon the Doro is a tomato. And it has a twenty-five minutes setting traditionally, and generally people would do two of these in an hour, but that breaks my refresh rate rule. So I’ve decided to have two 20 minute workouts. Um, there’s a bit of an induction period for five minutes at the beginning of the work session, and then a 10 minute sort of movement break, get up stretch.
I got the special routine that I borrowed and placed into this video, um, that I think you should check out. I love it. You can put anything you want in there. You could just walk around. You could just breathe or look out the window at something green. There’s a little section to get focused on what you want to work on.
Then you get into your 20 minute Pomodoro. And then celebrate that win. When the timer goes off, give yourself a high five, give someone else a high five and then get your body moving, get some blood flowing, and then it’d be a real brief reinduction period where you can get your mindset back into the mode of work.
What you’re going to work on next, set your intention and go for it, feeling the room of that one. Flow and also feeling the flow of that workflow. Think some nice music that’s more appropriate for the brainwave state you’re trying to be in and some little prompts along the way to make sure you’re not holding your breath.
Your shoulders are dropped. You’re sitting in your seat. Well, you’re feeling empowered by your choice to consciously work in a healthy way. So I hope you enjoy this philosophy for the one hour. Workday do this four times in a day, and you’ve got a four hour Workday, a very productive four hour Workday, which isn’t exactly four hours because you’re only doing 20 minute sprints during it, but it is much more achievable, I believe, than the four hour Workday and much more healthy than the 40 hour work week in my view and more.
Now, if you can’t do four of these in a day, and do you think you still need to work the old way for awhile? Well, why didn’t that practice when they’ll just try to do a once, just do this once a day and make sure you get that movement routine in there and stick to the route, the prompts and the structure as I intend to do.
And you can hold me accountable with your column. Hello, please say, Mike, did you do this today in your Workday? And I will respond and let you know if I did Harvey, didn’t hold me accountable. That’s what the rehab community is all about. And on that note, if you go to rehab, you can start signing up to get included in our first release of the rehab and community.
Thanks so much talk soon. Bye-bye.