Ease Into The Lemonade Diet

The Ease-in portion of The Master Cleanse The Ease-in portion of The Master Cleanse is important to me for several reasons. First, it helps me develop the habit of a more natural diet. I don’t want to adopt a rule-filled lifestyle such as vegan or vegetarian, but I do want to limit processed foods, dairy…

Before The Master Cleanse

The Lemonade Diet The Lemonade Diet is 10 Days, and the Ease-Out is 3. Add to that the Ease-In (highly recommended), and you have 16 days. So if you added a week on either side of the Master Cleanse, before and after, you would have a total of 30 days. Well isn’t that perfect? Since…


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Start Date: 12/25/2025

Category: One, Two

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