Profile photo of Mara Badita

Mara Badita

@mara-badita Joined Nov 2023


Mara is embedding 15 years in corporate environment in area of project management, product development, client communication and client management for local and global accounts.
Her professional expertise is supported by a personal experience through trainings and educational programs in non-violent communication, resilience techniques, EFT (emotional freedom technique) & Matrix Reimprinting.
She is also a mediator counselling.
WomenEsteem International, an international organisation she is active in says about her: “Curious, funny, and always ready to help anyone in need, Mara is that person you get fascinated with as soon as she shares with you a first smile. That’s how she conquered some German hearts in both professional and personal areas of her life. Her loyalty, unique communication skills and her serious yet funny way of dealing with international clients, made her suitable to work directly with one of the most challenging clients working pteviously for a multinational company. She became and expert in client service area being appointed to manage global clients across the world, training clients and teams across the world.
Her interest in transforming her life, her continuous work with herself, her thirst of knowledge and new experiences made her one of the most active ladies in our community, building virtual bridges over the space that keeps us apart.”

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Start Date: 12/25/2025

Category: One, Two

Tags: ldjsdfgd, jkljlk

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