Lesson 5 of 14
In Progress

Another Beginning: Now Decide

At the heart of both life and the ReHabit principle is that life always presents another beginning in the form of the every present, constant, and changing NOW.

The moment, the current indivisible fleeting moment is ANOTHER • BEGINNING

So this now is now here.

It’s here to provide you another opportunity to decide, to take action, to change.

So what are you going to do?

Well, fortunately we understand that what you’re going to do is often very predictable because of your past programming and your lack of a vision of the future.

You will likely take the same course of action that is now so familiar, that to take any other action would feel odd, uncomfortable, wrong and even dangerous. Indeed, dangerous.

This danger is how your sub-conscious mind has evolved to prevent you from taking risk.

To keep you safe you’re guided by the invisible hand of your existing neural and energetic networks of past behaviour and chemical addiction to the brains interpretation of that behaviour.

This Lesson is designed to support your technique in cultivating awareness #HTDTW @nicolelepera of the now, and the opportunity it presents, and eventually to taking actions of The ReHabit Method: Checkin Daily and Celebrate Win.


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Start Date: 12/25/2025

Category: One, Two

Tags: ldjsdfgd, jkljlk

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